Philippians 1:20-21
This message was preached on September 7th @ Greenville Grace.
The passage preached was truly working on my heart and I hope that it challenges you as it did me.
Click here to hear it
There's nothing better than a daily pursuit of an infinite God!
This message was preached on September 7th @ Greenville Grace.
On June 29th I had the opportunity to speak at our church. Here is the link to the message if you're interested in listening. The text for the sermond is 2 Peter 1:1-11.
This week I had the opportunity to preach at our church on the tough subject of "The Wrath of God."
I know it has been quite a while since my last post. If there is any one out there still checking this... I greatly appreciate your patience. Here is the sermon I had the opportunity to preach last week at our church. Hopefully it will challenge you as it has greatly challenged me.
For those of you that are interested, this is the message that I had the opportunity to preach yesterday during our Sunday morning services. I hope this challenges you as much as it has challenged me the last few weeks as I have been studying through it. Feel free to leave me some feedback on what your thoughts are.
This past Sunday I had the opportunity to speak at our church. I spoke on something that has truly been a life-changing topic for me. Why are we created? What's the point of all of this?