Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Youth Sunday

This past Sunday our youth group had the opportunity to run our Sunday Morning service. It was such a blessing to see our teens leading our congregation in worship. We had originally planned on having one of the teens give the sermon but that feel through at the last minute. As a result, the congregation was stuck hearing me give the message. Here is the link for the audio of that message for anyone that is interested in listening. This message is where I got the idea for my previous post, so it might sound pretty similar. click here to listen to the sermon. Thanks again for all your encouraging comments and I hope that this message truly challenges all of us to be doers of the word and not merely hearers. click here if you would like to download the message and save it to your computer. The first link will take you directly to the message, this one will give you the download.


At 21:12, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt: I loved your message on Youth Sunday. I was thrilled to hear it all the way in Florida. We do have to be aware of how others view us, and it is through our works, and that is not saying we are saved by our works, they are the reality of our Christian walk. Sounds like you have a great group of YOUTH and they have a great leader!!!

At 20:07, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Matt...
It is so good to hear you preach! I am so thankful that God has given our daughter,Issie,such a godly husband. May the Lord continue to bless you as you seek Him through His Word. Love you much, Nancy and David


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